2020Poster submissions created for design challenges focusing on the topic of the pandemic and the world both during and after Covid-19.
These posters have been published in a collector’s art book by DAC (Designer’s Against Coronavirus). If you’re interested in getting a copy of the book and supporting a great organization, all proceeds of this publication will go to the Italian Red Cross: shop.cri.it/dac-art-book-covid-19/
“Poster 1” description: Poster submission for “Tina Zine” focusing on the personal perspective of the theme of loneliness during the pandemic.
The solitude and loneliness of social distancing has stirred up many emotions in me during the Covid-19 pandemic. Although I have bursts of gratitude for the work I still have and for my current good health, the misery and destruction that this crisis has caused globally has really been weighing heavily on my mind and my heart. The helplessness I feel of the uncertainty of my own future and our collective future feels, at times, like a rock is crushing me. This piece is a visual release of some of the many thoughts and feelings navigating through my daily routine during this time.
“Poster 2” description: My submission for the “Designers Against Coronavirus” typographic poster challenge, whose theme focused on “how will the world change after Covid-19?”.
The issues our societies face will be further magnified and scrutinised post Covid-19. In response to the pandemic, governments globally have implemented strict measures to cope. Nations’ borders and economies have shut down, social distancing became the norm, financial aid has been doled out and mobile tracking has been used to alert of hotspots and rule breakers.
These measures have drastically helped to prevent the spread of the virus, have created a sense of unity and financial safety for citizens as well as having had a positive impact on the environment. However, it’s going to be difficult for governments to go back to the way things were before the pandemic.
When healthcare, education and environmental initiatives have previously been underfunded in many of the affected countries and government surveillance a topic of concern, it is difficult to think that citizens will allow the same level of indifference towards these issues knowing what we know now about the negative consequences as well as the possibilities that the pandemic has shown us.